Monday, July 25, 2011

Stop the Debt Madness

I don’t usually blog or post my political views but I feel this is very important. Setting aside blame, we have a responsibility as Americans to deal with this issue NOW. The biggest impact to our national deficit is Medicare and social security. The problem is that these two things impact a great number of Americans and so as result politicians both republicans and democrats alike defer this issue during their periods in power. And so now with the 2012 elections fast approaching Obama and his administration do not want to deal with this issue as they know the impact it will have on the next presidential election. Instead they point the finger at the previous administration and pretend that the real issue here is big oil and tax breaks etc. Republicans are pressuring him to make this difficult decision now so that it negatively impacts them during the elections and they do not have to deal with this issue later on themselves. The reality is that if we care about our children’s future and are responsible parents, then we cannot keep ignoring this only to make them have to deal with it in the future. As we speak the national debt is over 14 trillion dollars, see national debt clock We must make significant cuts to our spending, NOT “proposed spending”. This type of language is only to confuse us and make us believe that they are dealing with the issue. But we must demand that these political games be put to rest and that politicians get serious about balancing the budget. Read here about the national debt. Notice that social security is off on its own chart but also notice that less people are paying into social security than what is being currently paid out. As a result this entitlement is bankrupt. We cannot continue down this path, we need to make serious changes now before it is too late. I think we all care enough about our children to know we cannot leave this mess to them. Let’s face it now. I don’t care what party your with we need to stand together on this issue. Enough is enough!