Saturday, January 14, 2012

For Gods Sake Stand For Something!

This blog is written for the believer (in Christ) and anyone who has an ounce of care for this country and the future of our children and grand children. I want to focus especially on the believer because I truly believe that God has called us to be light. We will be held accountable for our stewardship, not only of our finances and talents but also how we use the resources He has empowered us with. If you believe this does not matter because God is coming soon then don't bother to read on. But if your are like me and know that we do not know the day or hour he is to come and believe that in the mean time we must do th right thing no matter what, then read on.
I speak in respect to our country's future. Few nations have the power to elect leaders based on a ballot system such as ours. The founders knew how important it was that we have this right, the right to limit the power of government and ensure our liberties are not stripped away from us. The declaration of independence states “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” If God allowed us to be a part of this great nation and therefore given us the privileged and responsibility to use the power of casting a vote to elect officials that share the same values that we do, why do we continue to squander this God given right? We have the responsibility to pay attention to what is going on in our government and elect leaders that share our values and beliefs. The word says in Hosea 4:6 “My people perish from a lack of knowledge.”
I remember the days when I went to vote knowing it was important but did not really understanding how ignorant I was for not paying any attention. I am embarrassed to admit but I used to vote for anyone who had a spanish last name, besides spanish people know what is best for the spanish community right? Wrong. If no spanish people were on the ballot, then I voted democrat, after all they are for the poor... right?, wrong again. I am not stating that Democrats are wrong and Republicans are right. Nor do I want to tell you who to vote for or what party to stand with. Look at the individual, before you vote, learn about the people who are on that ballot and what they stand for before voting for them blindly and therefore throwing that vote away. Learn about them from different points of views (I don't expect you to research every single candidate), It's ok to listen to others that also share our views but don't rely on one source, there is a lot of bias out there. And campaigns for elections are brutal. Many times candidates run ads about each other that are untrue or not completely true. Pay attention. For God sake stand for something!
Also, make sure you understand the fundamental differences in the philosophies of the candidates. Just because what they are saying sounds good does not mean it is. Especially If you are a believer make sure you understand the candidate's values, see how what they are saying lines up with the Word. An example, if a candidate believes that we should continue to borrow from countries like China in order to keep up with our nation's spending then you know this candidate's values are contrary to biblical principals. The word clearly states in Proverbs 22:7 “Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender.”
My point is that God has allowed us to be here for this time and place. Don't squander your God given rights. Believe in something, Make a difference, be informed and understand the power you have in being able to cast a vote. Use it wisely.

Be blessed my brothers and sisters.


Quick update:  I came across this video online and thought it went well with this blog so I am posting it here: